I have the belief that as an online course creator and as a consultant, as a business expert, as a coach, whatever you do, you are an entrepreneur and your responsibility is to help your people.
To achieve their goals, whatever they are.
And as long as you keep that in mind, that it’s not about you, it’s about them then anything you’re going to do is going to feel aligned with those people.
And your audience is going to see because you get to a whole new degree of honesty in your copywriting and people get that.
So your sales copy is about you helping people who haven’t taken action towards their goal. You’re giving them an option. You’re giving them a nudge forward to get them to achieve their goal. You are coaching them through their objections, false beliefs, limitations, fears etc.
So it’s not about you. And it is never about, Hey, buy my product because I want to make more money. No, buy this because if you want to achieve this, this course is going to help you get closer to that.
You can’t sell if your sales pages and emails are copy and paste from other websites and brands.
You can’t scale if your messaging is all over the place and ignores what your customers need.
You will never sell more than you do right now if you don’t take the time to really think about the value in your offer and how you are conveying that to your audience.
As a copywriter and coach I often hear from clients about their concern of not wanting to sound pushy or too salesy in their copy. Here’s the thing: you don’t have to.
In fact, it’s quite the opposite.
In my experience as a content marketer and conversion copywriter, the best results ALWAYS come from empathizing with your customer, coaching them through their false beliefs, the lack of commitment or false assumptions about the service/product and transformation that comes with the purchase.
Obviously, you can’t know what their false beliefs, objections, desires and needs just off the bat. You need to get to know your customers, learn about them, find out what is the difference between people who buy your offer without raising any objection and the people who take longer to convert.
We live in an age where customers are ever more discerning.
And that is a very good thing because it raises the bar and gives online marketers, copywriters and business owners an opportunity to market responsibly.
This means that you have an occasion to filter or pre-qualify with your message for the ideal people, the ones that you can help achieve results easier and faster.
The average sales page is boring and not converting at all. Most people think they need to hire a copywriter for this job but that’s not true. You can do it yourself!
If you need help with this part of your business, I can coach you through the best practices on how to convert your visitors into customers by writing better sales pages. Book a discovery call here and let me know what’s your biggest challenge with converting customers through your copy.
You can watch more episodes from The Art Of Selling Online Courses below or on YouTube and Spotify.
case study, Data Driven Marketing, sales pages, conversion optimization
case study, Data Driven Marketing, sales pages, conversion optimization
case study, Data Driven Marketing, sales pages, conversion optimization