Monica Badiu, Email Copywriter & Copy Coach

Selling and persuasion tactics have evolved so much in the last few decades.

We’re no longer talking to sleazy car salesmen or door-to-door salesmen.

Things have shifted to a whole new level and while some people have figured out the fine art of selling without selling, a lot more people are struggling, which is why the email review exists.

What does it mean to sell without selling?

Is it even possible? Well, in this email review I’m introducing you to one of the best examples that have ever landed in my inbox.

It’s packed with persuasion and conversion tactics, BUT it doesn’t have a call to action, discount, “buy now” button, or deadline.

It’s incredibly effective yet not salesy at all.

This is what persuasion looks like when done properly.

About the Author

Monica Badiu is an email copywriter and copy coach. She specializes in sales copywriting for online course creators who want to send emails that speak to their ideal customer and generate conversions without using fearmongering or pressure. She’s made clients over $3 million in 2023.

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