Small businesses are a hustle. They require persistence, zeal, and a drive that fuels you forward every day. Making moves to grow your small business should be planned strategically to save you unnecessary expenses and effort and set you on track to meet and exceed your goals. Here are some impactful moves you can start making today.

Work with an accountant.
Accountants are experts in their respective fields. Considering everything that goes into the role of an account at a small business enterprise, do you or your staff have the requisite skill set to deliver? If your answer is anything less than a confident and definitive yes, then you need a licensed small business accountant to handle all your business’ accounting needs.
A professional accounting service will be fully up-to-date on the laws relating to the structure, size, and type of business you own. They will understand the nuances involved in employee taxes, tax structures, and specific filing and scheduling requirements. Taxes and the government are topics no small business owner should leave unattended, as problems can pile up quickly if you misunderstand a law or miss a filing date. Outsource your business’ accounting needs to the experts so you can focus on running and scaling your business.
Connect with the people.
In today’s world, any mention of business will also likely touch upon social media. If you do not have at least one social media account solely dedicated to your company, now is the time to act. Of course, you may have been using your personal platforms to help spread the word on social media when you were just a startup. But now that you have made moves to grow the brand, your next step is to create a more visible presence for the company online.
Whether you choose to outsource the company’s social media endeavors or keep them in-house should be based on your staff’s time constraints and technical and creative abilities. Both options can prove productive and viable in order to gain positive exposure. Decide whether you want to touch base at certain intervals with a freelance or professional content creator to discuss topics, values, and the posting calendar or if it will be easier to work with someone in-house. There are pros and cons for each option, but the most important thing is to gain visibility and connect with people on apps, via email, and online.
Watch this video for step-by-step tips on how to create a small business social media strategy.
Growing your small business is a labor of love and a lot of hard work. Take steps to lighten your load, at least a little bit, by entrusting your finances with a licensed small business accountant. They have the background and certifications necessary to handle your accounting matters reliably and with professionalism. After that, take steps to bring your brand online. Show the world why your company is great and what you can offer them through creative brand posting and storytelling on social media, and then see what happens next.